
WOODLANDS WEATHER THIS WEEK – 60 degrees of separation

By: Woodlands Online Weather
| Published 12/19/2022


THE WOODLANDS, TX – The winter weather is taking on a decidedly Texan twist this week, with highs as high as the 70s and lows nearly 20 degrees below freezing. Buckle your seatbelts and try to keep up with this week’s forecast.

Only here can you wear t-shirts and long johns in the same day

Today the rains and clouds haven’t finished yet, and we’ll have another round of precipitation early this afternoon and well into the night. Good luck finding the sun; it’s up there somewhere but hidden behind a bunch of grey clouds that will stretch from horizon to horizon. For the rest of the day, you have a pretty even chance of getting rained on, so dress accordingly. The temps will remain steady; we’re already at our high of 48, and we’ll only drop four degrees or so for tonight’s low.

Steadily rising pressure will make Tuesday more of the same, with a slightly warmer high into the lower 50s. The rain chances will diminish but the clouds will remain, trapping in the warmth for a while.

As the Tuesday-to-Wednesday overnight low settles around 40 degrees, the pressure will start to make a turnaround and plummet. The clouds will remain, hiding the sun, and the Wednesday temps will creep into the 50s and hit a low of 45.

This is the last of the temperate weather. Overnight, the temps will maintain, and Thursday morning will be positively – relatively speaking – muggy, and hit the upper 60s and maybe cross the 70 benchmark. But around lunchtime, things change, and we mean in a big way. From out of nowhere, the pressure system will turn around and skyrocket, bringing with it heavy winds reaching in excess of 30 miles an hour, and along with them an arctic front that will make the temperature drop like a paralyzed falcon. The clouds will blow away and the stars will twinkly with temps reaching down to 16 degrees. And, no, that wasn’t a typo: sixteen degrees.

The freezing weather continues into Friday; though the high will hit 33 – one degree above freezing – the winds will make it feel much colder. Even cloudless, sunny skies won’t warm anything up. Keep your pets indoors and your pipes wrapped as the low hits 21… with the winds making it feel like two degrees Fahrenheit. Again, that wasn’t a typo: two degrees, or 30 degrees below freezing.

As Christmas weekend hits, we may not have a white Christmas, but we’ll have a cold one…

Stay tuned on Friday as we bring you Woodlands Weekend Weather.

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