
Spring Cleaning The Air Inside Your Home

By: The Woodlands Plumbing & Air | Published 04/01/2024


Air pollution is often associated with outdoor air quality, but the air inside your house can actually be worse than the air outside. Here’s what to do:

Invisible pollutants like radon can build  up over time in indoor environments,  some reaching higher concentrations  than typical outdoor air. Aside from the  dust and dander that you might expect  to contaminate indoor air, many indoor  air quality contaminants are actually  generated indoors from combustion,  building materials, carcinogens in  cleaning supplies, insecticides, and  natural sources.  

How Does Indoor Air Quality Impact Your  Health? 
On the annoying side, you have dust and  dander, which can cause symptoms like  sneezing and itchy eyes. On the more  serious side, poor indoor air quality  can cause all sorts of ailments such as  headaches, respiratory disease, heart  disease, and even cancers.  

On top of causing symptoms like fatigue  and runny noses, indoor air quality issues  can actually cause you to get sick more  often, since viruses can enter your home,  land on high-touch surfaces, and move  around via your HVAC system.  Improving your indoor air quality can drastically affect how your family  feels during flu and allergy season, kill  viruses and germs, reduce the risk of  transmission of airborne viruses, and  make it easier for anyone—especially  those with asthma and allergies—to  breathe comfortably in your home. There are a variety of Indoor Air Quality  (IAQ) products, but not all products are  created equally, and many products need  to be sized for your particular home and  HVAC system.

So What’s a Homeowner to Do?  
Call the experienced professionals at The  Woodlands Plumbing & Air to request  a free Indoor Air Quality Assessment,  which includes a consultation and step by-step IAQ inspection of your home.  Then, we can recommend the best  options to improve the air in your home  from our extensive selection of HEPA  filters, air purifiers, and UV products.

1. UV Lights 
• Keeps your HVAC coil clean and  free from mold and other microbes  • Increases the efficiency and  longevity of your unit. 

2. Air Filters & Purifiers  
• Removes 99% of bacteria, viruses, air borne allergy particles 
• Removes unwanted odors from the home.

3. Duct Cleaning 
• Reduces the likelihood of contamination 
• Decreases the strain put on your AC fan motor 
• Makes it easier to breathe 

Take The First Step to Filtered, Sanitized,  and Healthier Air Inside Your Home

Contact the Indoor Air Quality specialists  at The Woodlands Plumbing & Air to  set up your FREE Indoor Air Quality  Assessment and ask any questions that  you may have regarding your home’s air  quality. We’re at your service and here to  help you breathe easier.  
Call us at 281-545-7939 or book online today at!

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