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The Woodlands Township Neighborhood Watch hosts hands-only CPR village challenge
THE WOODLANDS, Texas – The Woodlands Township Neighborhood Watch invites residents to participate in a village challenge to raise awareness of the lifesaving value of CPR and how it supports our first responders.
Each resident trained by October 15, 2018, will earn a point for their village. The top three villages with training points will receive a cash donation for their scholarship fund from the program sponsor, CHI St Luke’s Hospital. Prizes to the village associations will be $1000, $700, and $300 for first, second, and third place, respectively.
Almost 800 residents have been trained since the challenge commenced in February of 2018. Current standings for the village challenge (as of June 30, 2018) are as follows:
1. Creekside Park
2. College Park
3. Indian Springs
The Township Neighborhood Watch is welcoming hosts to offer hands-only CPR training events in collaboration with The Woodlands Fire Department, American Heart Association and Montgomery County Hospital District. It’s important to know that bystanders’ actions can help by first calling 9-1-1 immediately. Hands-only CPR can then greatly increase the chance of survival for a cardiac arrest victim.
The American Heart Association (AHA) still recommends that those who take a CPR course practice and learn the full skills of CPR, including rescue breaths and high quality chest compressions. The AHA also recommends CPR with compressions and breaths for infants, children, victims of drowning or drug overdose, or people who collapse due to breathing problems.
Hands-only CPR training takes approximately 20 minutes and does not include certification. Training events can be scheduled for your neighborhood or organization by contacting The Woodlands Township Neighborhood Watch at 281-210-3800 or by email to neighbor@thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov. These events will be scheduled based on availability of training staff and equipment. Residents are also encouraged to visit the new Facebook page for the Township Neighborhood Watch at www.facebook.com/townshipneighborhoodwatch.