
Seeking Happiness


Seeking Happiness – I often hear my clients say their goal is to find happiness, and I always question what this really means to them. It seems many of us seek this happiness, and yet struggle with being able to actually define it. Is happiness finding that special someone, finally getting that promotion, having a long sought after baby, graduation, reaching a financial milestone? Unfortunately, it is not.

Happiness is not a goal to be achieved, and is actually a state of being. It is situational, and like all emotions, it is temporary. Happiness entails positive feelings such as contentment, joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction. What brings each individual happiness is different and can even change with time.

Focusing on building a “happy life” consists of surrounding yourself with what is meaningful to you, positive people, learning to appreciate what you have and what you are given, letting go of things not in your control, and doing things that matter to you.

Not every day can be butterflies and daisies, and learning to accept things just as they are is the real key. Please don’t hear me say we shouldn’t have goals we are working towards. However, accepting where we are knowing we are working towards something important and meaningful to us is what I am talking about.

So, what do you need to do to bring more meaning to your life? How can you be more grateful, and appreciate the things you already have? What brings you joy? What truly fulfills your heart? What can you do to shift focus on what is in your control and accept the so many things that are not?

By Tia Parsley, LPC, LCDC

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