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The Woodlands Township Alert Winter Weather

THE WOODLANDS, TX -- A prolonged period of colder than normal temperatures is likely in southeast Texas beginning late Saturday night, with the coldest temperatures expected Monday through Wednesday. This storm system is expected to bring precipitation to the region Monday night through Tuesday. Given the cold air mass in place, the chance of precipitation falling in the form of snow or ice continues to increase. Residents should take precautions to stay safe during the cold snap. The Woodlands Township would like to remind residents to stay weather-aware and monitor updates provided by the National Weather Service.
The Township will provide weather-related updates on its website, thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov, throughout the weather event. Updates will also be shared on the Township's social media channels. These updates will include information about Township facility openings and potential impacts on services such as trash collection and The Woodlands Express bus service. Stay informed by signing up for email updates at thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov/subscribe.
Now is the time to prepare your family and home for the cold temperatures. Follow these simple steps to keep your family warm and safe.
- PEOPLE: Keep your family warm and check on any elderly family or neighbors that may need extra blankets, winterizing their homes or a warm place to stay.
- PETS: Dogs and cats get cold too. Bring them inside at night to keep them healthy and safe.
- PLANTS: Either cover plants to keep them warm at night or bring them inside so they can flourish.
- PIPES: Cover exposed pipes to prevent freezing and breaks.
Home hearing is a leading cause of US home fires and home fire injuries and the third leading cause of home fire deaths. Help keep your family safe by providing at least three feet of space from all heating equipment, testing your smoke alarms and protecting yourself from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning by installing a battery-operated CO detector. Never use generators, grills, camp stoves or similar devices indoors. Using these types of devices indoors could result in the deadly release of carbon monoxide.
Ice can accumulate on power lines and trees, causing power outages due to added weight and breakage. Monitor power outages in our area by following Entergy and CenterPoint online.
- Entergy
- Phone: 800-968-8243
- Website: entergy.com/view-outages
- CenterPoint
- Phone: 713-207-2222 or 800-332-7143
- Website: gis.centerpointenergy.com/outagetracker
Freezing temperatures can cause pipes to burst; if this happens, shut off your water supply immediately. Contact your water provider for information on how to turn off water to your home.
- Woodlands Water
- Phone: 855-426-7283
- Website: woodlandswater.org
- Phone: 855-426-7283
- Harris County MUD No. 386
- Phone: 281-290-6503
- Website: mdswater.com/districts/harris-montgomery-counties-mud-386
Icy road conditions can be extremely dangerous; avoid driving if possible and stay off the roads to ensure your safety. Houston TranStar, Northstar Montgomery County and DriveTexas.org will provide updates to road conditions throughout the Greater Houston region and state. Both Montgomery and Harris County along with TxDOT will be treating roads and monitoring icy conditions.
The Woodlands Township Transportation Department is closely monitoring the weather and currently plans to operate both The Woodlands Express and the Town Center Trolley as scheduled on Monday, January 20, 2025. Please note that midday runs may be affected by the MLK Day parade route in the downtown and midtown districts. Additional weather-related updates, including information on Tuesday services, will be posted on the Township's website.
The Woodlands Township offices and both recreation centers will be closed Monday, January 20, 2025, in observance of Martin Luther King Day. Texas TreeVentures and Riva Row Boat House will remain open, weather permitting. The Ice Rink will open at 12:30 p.m. on Monday, January 20, for its final day of the season, weather permitting.
To prepare for the expected freezing temperatures next week, all restroom facilities in the parks system will be closed starting Monday morning, January 20, and will remain closed until the freezing conditions have passed. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. Parks staff will monitor conditions closely to reopen facilities as soon as it is safe to do so.
Township staff is closely monitoring the weather and will provide additional updates on Monday regarding closures and services for Tuesday. Residents are encouraged to check the Township website for the latest information.
Waste Management plans to operate normal routes on Monday and will make the call on Tuesday service sometime Monday. Service alerts will be posted to WMTexasStorm.com and the Township website. As a reminder, please ensure your containers are properly closed and promptly removed after pick-up.
Various regional public and private partners will be opening warming centers during this freeze event. Harris County has provided a list of warming centers on its website at readyharris.org and you can monitor Montgomery County centers by following them on social media and visiting their website at mctxoem.org.
Remember to only call 9-1-1 for emergencies. Do not call 9-1-1 for non-emergency situations, such as a burst pipe. For non-urgent assistance, please use your local law enforcement’s non-emergency number. Call 9-1-1 only when immediate help is needed from police, fire, or emergency medical services.
Non-Emergency Numbers
- Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office: 936-442-7797 or 281-297-6500 during business hours
- Harris County Constable’s Office, Precinct 4: 281-376-3472