
Woodlands Weather This Week – May 27 - 31, 2024 – On the upside, it’ll be slightly cooler…

By: Woodlands Online | Published 05/27/2024


It’s been nothing these past few days if not hot and dry. Heat advisories have been handed out like candy on Halloween and our air conditioners have definitely been given a workout. Fortunately, there’s some relief on the horizon this week. The bad news is, we could see up to two inches of rain; the good news is, it’ll be spread out over several days, so the risk of flooding is minimal.

Though the Monday humidity has steadily been dropping, there’s still enough moisture in the air to make our high of 98 feel like an insane 109, thanks to the heat index. With the clouds wandering away as well, we wholeheartedly encourage you to dress appropriately, wear sunscreen, and stay hydrated for any outdoor Memorial Day activities you may have planned. Once sunset hits, however, the mercury will drop in good time to settle for an overnight low of 76.

On Tuesday, it will be considerably cooler – but still hot – as our ‘natural’ high only hits 91 and the heat index makes it feel like 98. Partly cloudy skies and gusty winds will prevail all day, and there’s a moderate chance of some rain here and there racking up to about a quarter-inch’s worth. As you hit the sack for the night, your home AC unit will get a little relief as the thermometer will get down to 73 for the low.

However, overnight the rains will start to move in in earnest and you will most likely awaken to the sound of thunder. It will be cloudy and rainy all day as about a half-inch of precipitation will hit us. It will be less windy than the day before, but still enough to make some of the rain hit you diagonally. Though the high will only get up to 85 – with another five degrees thrown in to the heat index – the low will keep in the mid 70s.

Thursday will see a morning filled with scattered thunderstorms that should last most of the morning, but come lunchtime the clouds and the rains should abate somewhat. The high temperature will remain in the mid 80s, but the clouds that will have blanketed the area will keep the low in the mid 70s again. 

All Thursday night and well through Friday, the rains will never completely go away. The storminess will be more manageable, but there will still be plenty of precipitation and rumbles of thunder. The temperatures will mimic the day before as we get another third of an inch to water our lawns nature’s way.

Though the stormy session will slowly but sure skedaddle away, you can still expect a wet and rumbly weekend as we finally segue into June…

Stay tuned to Woodlands Online for our Weekend Weather report coming on Friday.

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