
Woodlands Weather This Week – June 17 - 21, 2024 – Build an ark; flooding is possible the first half of this week

By: Woodlands Online | Published 06/17/2024


Over the past few days, the weather has been quiet… too quiet. That’s about to change with a vengeance as some scary storms move into the area any moment now.

We’ve already hit our high today of 91 (with another ten degrees thrown into the heat index) under some light rains, but the heavy stuff is about to hit, and we’ll be experiencing some significant thunderstorms over the next several hours. The mercury will rapidly drop into the mid 70s as the dark skies dump their precipitous load on us and the winds kick up to about 15 miles per hour. Expect a total of about a half-inch of rain to hit us.

All evening and overnight the rains will continue off and on under cloudy skies. Tuesday morning you’ll have about a coin toss’ chance of seeing the sun in the sky, but the clouds will soon complete their task and stretch horizon to horizon, and with them will come even more rain. We could be in for it during this period, as over the day a total of nearly two-thirds of an inch of rain will add to the already saturated ground. As the day progresses, so will the chances and amount of rain, and the only good news is that the high temperature will only make it up to 87 and it will be too wet and windy to feel the heat index.

As the rains continue pouring all Tuesday night well into Wednesday, the clouds will max out and the winds will remain steady, keeping us at a high of only 81 degrees. The thunder rumblings will eventually diminish, but that doesn’t mean the storms are done; they’re only more quiet. All day Wednesday, you can expect not a single moment of no rain as nearly another inch is dumped on us. Right at midnight, though, the cloud cover and chances of hard rain will dip down, and you might be able to take stock of the wetness around your house.

Thursday we’ll reach back up into the upper 80s for our high as the rain clouds lessen a bit, but don’t be lulled into a false sense of security; there will be a midafternoon spike in precipitation that could possibly put some underground sewage systems to the test. Generally, though, the winds and the rains will settle down and we will no longer have to worry about grabbing all the animals by pairs. Welcome to the first official day of summer, folks.

With the humidity still high but the blanketing clouds massively diminished, Friday will see another hot day in the 90s – with the ‘feels-like’ being more than 100 degrees – with on-and-off-again rains. Once again, in the middle of the afternoon we’ll see another spike in rain, but the raging storms of the previous days will be quelled for the most part. By dinnertime on Friday, we should be out of the entire system.

With all the raging this week, we might get a break over the weekend, but don’t count on too many sunshiny, dry days…

Stay tuned to Woodlands Online for our Weekend Weather report coming on Friday.

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