
Moody’s Greatest Regret

By: The Woodlands Methodist Church | Published 08/04/2024


In 1871, a devastating fire swept through Chicago, destroying much of the city and leaving thousands homeless. Among those affected was a young evangelist named Dwight L. Moody. Before the fire, Moody had been preaching with a sense of routine, not realizing how urgently people needed to hear the gospel.

The night before the fire, Moody gave a sermon where he urged his listeners to contemplate their relationship with Christ. At the close of his sermon, he asked the question, “What will you do with Jesus?” He then concluded with, “I wish you would seriously consider this subject, for next Sunday, we will speak about the cross and, at that time, I will ask again, ‘What will you do with Jesus?’”

That night, the fire broke out, and many of the people he had preached to never had the chance to return.

This event profoundly shook Moody. He realized that time was precious and that he needed to act with urgency in sharing the gospel. Moody’s ministry transformed from that moment. He became one of the most passionate evangelists of his time, reaching millions with the message of Christ.

Friends, to know the gift of salvation is to give this precious gift to anyone we encounter. It’s too good to keep to ourselves. May we never miss an opportunity to tell someone about the saving blood of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for us all!

– Mark

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