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Top 10 Mistakes Gardeners Make When Planting Native Plants
By GREG GRANT, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension ggrantgardens@yahoo.com
#10. Not native at all: What is native and what is not has always been a source of confusion and even controversy. Always remember that plants don’t read maps and it’s better to choose something that is locally native or at least from a similar climate.
#9. Planting something aggressive or even invasive: Just because a plant “runs wild” doesn’t mean it’s native. Chinese tallow is invasive and goldenrod will gobble up your bed.
#8. Not planting something because you see it in the wild: Avoiding a plant because it’s “just a wildflower” or “I see these in the woods” is a mistake. Plants belong in their homes.
#7. Not fitting into your local ecosystem: Every bird, bug, and butterfly in your area evolved with local plants and local genetics. To keep them happy and healthy, plant natives in your area are essential.
#6. Thinking all natives are adapted: Wrong. Many native plants are adapted to very specific niches that your garden may not provide.
#5. Expecting too much from a plant . No plant looks great all the time and blooms all the time. Celebrate the plant as part of your world and appreciate that it lives. Stems, pods, dead leaves, and even death are all part of life.
#4. Constantly controlling insects and diseases: Plants attract bugs, bees, and butterflies. Bugs attract birds. Birds and other insects control the bugs. Seeds and fruit attract birds. Birds spread the seeds to make more plants
#3. Planting too few: Plants generally look best and more natural in groups that are in scale with your home and landscape. Generally, the more the merrier.
#2. Wrong plant, wrong place: Always know the ultimate size of a plant, whether it likes sun or shade, and whether it likes moist or dry soils. (AND THE NUMBER ONE MISTAKE WE MAKE WHEN INCORPORATING NATIVE PLANTS INTO OUR GARDENS?)
#1. Bad design: Design is design whether it’s native or not. The same basic design principles apply whether it’s floral design, fashion design, interior design, or landscape design. Native plants don’t make up for bad design. If you don’t grasp the creative concept, get professional help.