
Fire Ants in Your Yard?

By: Bio-Tech Pest Control | Published 07/02/2018


We all want to keep our yards green this time of year. We’re using our sprinklers or watering by hand to keep the grass healthy and strong. And if we’re lucky, mother nature will pick up the slack and water the yard for us. Just remember, too much water on the yard can also affect the fire ant population in and around your home. The over-saturated ground will push some ants to the surface seeking higher and dryer ground. It’s no coincidence you see ant mounds seemingly appear overnight. The ant mounds you are seeing are the result of the fire ants building upwards to keep the hive dry.

Fire ants are a big concern right now, especially with most kids home for the summer. Sometimes it’s hard enough pulling them away from their tablets or video games and the last thing we want is for stinging fire ants to drive them back in. It’s time to take back control of your yard from these fire ants.

Granules are preferred as they keep the ants away for longer periods. Granules can be pest specific but if it’s the fire ants you want out of your yard, water activated granules can prove just the ticket. The preferred timing of application is before a heavy rain or watering of the yard. This will allow more of the ants that have surfaced to bring it back and share it with the rest of the nest and allow a better chance to kill the queen. Granules are a bit more expensive up front than a liquid treatment but in the long run can provide a more cost effective service with longer fire ant control.

If possible, try to make treatments a group effort. Talk to your neighbors or take advantage of online neighborhood social sites to coordinate treating yards at the same time. This will really help prevent pests from traveling back and forth between yards as often. Letting others around you know when you’re treating will help keep fire ants at bay.

Be sure to contact us or call Bio-Tech Pest Control if you have any questions about fire ant control or any other pest issues you are concerned with at 936-249-0917.

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