
NaturesPlus Collagen Peptides

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Collagen is the fibrous protein constituent of bone, cartilage, tendon, and other connective tissue. It accounts for 30% of your body's protein. Collagen provides structure, support and strength to your skin, muscles, bones and connective tissues. As we get older our bodies production of collagen reduces, and collagen already being utilized breaks down at a faster rate than normal.
What does collagen do?
- Gives structure, strength and elasticity to your skin, joints, and soft tissues.
- Helps new skin cells grow through the formation of fibroblasts in your dermis (middle skin layer).
What is the main function of each type of collagen?
- Type I: makes up to 90% of collagen within the body. Type I is densely packed and used to provide structure to your skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments.
- Type II: is found in the elastic cartilage, which provide joint support.
- Type III: found in muscles, arteries, and organs.
- Type IV: is found in layers of your skin.
- Type V: is found in the cornea o your eyes, some layers in the skin, hair and tissue of the placenta.
- Type X: helps regulate bone mineralization and assists with the remodeling of cartilage to ensure mobility is maintained.
Check out @naturesplus Collagen Peptides, it has all six types of collagens described above to help with structure, strength and elasticity of your skin, joints and soft tissues. Pick some up today at the Health Market.

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