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Traffic & Weather Conditions - Updated 1/21 2:00 p.m.

Right now, a warming sun, rising temperatures nearing 40, and moderate breezes are all working together to melt most of our recently acquired snow. Thanks to Commissioner Ritch Wheeler's Precinct 3 crews, the pre-precipitation road-salting went far in keeping the streets as slickless as possible. At this time, no traffic incidents are being reported for the area.
Woodlands Online just sent out its driving crews to various parts of The Woodlands to check on road conditions. Most of the main thoroughfares are open and dry; however, bridged areas such as Keukendahl between Lake Woodlands and Bay Branch, Gosling south of Flintridge, and all freeway overpasses are slushed up and slick, so definitely use discretion when taking those routes.
For the next few hours, the temps will remain above freezing and the thaw will continue. However, shortly after tonight's 5:49 p.m. sundown, the mercury will once again drop below 32 and quickly into the 20s. This has the result of making the roads a lot more treacherous; the melted snow will almost immediate transform into ice, and nearly invisible ice at that in the dark.
Around 7 p.m., expect more and more roads -- particularly the bridges and overpasses -- to once again be shut down due to these slick conditions. If you simply have to take Grogan's Mill or Research Forest or Woodlands Parkway, proceed with caution; however, we at Woodlands Online encourage you to get all your traveling business out of the way which the sun is over the horizon, and stay hunkered down safe and sound come nightfall. By tomorrow at this time, all conditions should be back to normal, or as normal as a Woodlands winter day can be...
Stay tuned to Woodlands Online for ongoing traffic and weather updates.