Learn fundamental coding concepts while unleashing your creativity and having fun creating your own Minecraft mods and mini-games.
NOTE: An iPad is required for this program, if you do not own one, a rental option will be available upon purchase. For ages 6 - 13 years old




Day 1: Events, Variables, Coordinates and Loops:


Jumping straight into the action, students will learn about events, variables, coordinates and loops with block coding, making awesome mods such as:

  • Making a path of diamonds follow the player
  • Super jump, make your player jump super high
  • Walk on water 
  • Super speed
  • Spawn 100 blocks of TNT
  • Chicken Rain, rain chickens wherever the player walks
  • Mountain Remover, clear massive amounts of blocks with one click

Students will also have the opportunity to be creative and create their own mods that they think up themselves!

Day 2: Functions, Arrays and Simple A.I.

Students will build on their current coding knowledge, exploring more complex coding principles such as functions, arrays and even A.I:

  • Spawn an array of animals and monsters
  • Speed up and slow down time
  • Build a house with just code
  • Procedurally generate a road
  • Create an auto-farmer
  • Join other students worlds to test their mods

The program will end with a fun building competition, where the students will be challenged to make an awesome world using the knowledge of programming they have acquired.